Get Involved

Looking for ways to get involved and support the Holy Name Chapel Foundation? You've come to the right place!


Prayer is our greatest asset. Please add the Holy Name Chapel Foundation to your prayer intentions. Here are just a few ideas of prayers you could offer for us- some of which may already be a prat of your daily routine.

  • The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the most powerful prayer because it IS the re-presentation of the Paschal Mystery- the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Please consider having a Mass offered for us!

  • Many graces and promises are attached to The Rosary. What better way to ask for a "Chapel for Life" than to ask Our Lady, who is the Mother of Life?

  • Another very powerful prayer is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Jesus told St Faustina, "Through the chaplet, you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is in accordance with My Will." (Diary of St. Faustina)

  • Since we are trying to acquire and maintain Holy Name Church, another beautiful prayer would be the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus. You can find a copy of this prayer here.

Please prayerfully consider making a donation to our foundation if you are able. Click the bottun below to donate online, or checks can be made payable to Holy Name Chapel Foundation and mailed to Holy Name Chapel Foundation, 3633 Zinsle Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, 45213.

Did you know that Holy Name currently hosts a Pro-life Mass and prayer service EVERY Saturday? Mass begins at 8am and is followed by exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. If the priest is able to stay, he will usually offer confession after Mass. The Rosary is begun, and Adoration continues in the church as anyone who would like to walk to the Planned Parenthood begin processing down the street. Our pro-life community here has a walkie-talkie system that enables those who stay in the church to continue praying along with those who process to Planned Parenthood! After the rosary, everyone meets in the church again for Benediction and closing. We would love for you and your family to join us! Please see the flyer below for more info, and feel free to share with friends.


Join us for Mass!